Slow Down Aging Skin
Almost 1.3 million women in the US alone approach menopause and most of the time your skin is already showing the signs. While the average age is 51, your skin can start reacting as early as your mid-thirties.
The intrinsic part of aging skin is losing elasticity and collagen. Combine that with extrinsic damage, i.e. UV rays from the sun, and your skin is in big trouble.
Women’s skin thins out and becomes dehydrated with gravity pulling and no collagen reinforcements. In order to rebuild our skin barriers, one needs good product choices that will hydrate and bring back moisture to the skin for a more healthy, youthful appearance.
My recommendation is a product by Sonia Roselli, her best seller, Water Balm. Here is an example of what happens with no hydration:
Clearly, you can do the obvious recommended steps like
- Drink tons of water
- No excessive behaviors like smoking or drinking alcohol
- Keep your body active (i.e. exercise)
- Get some sleep (8 hours is preferred). Good luck with that one!
These all help, however, to get the results you deserve be proactive and get this product now!
Here are the benefits:
- Plumps up skin
- Full hydrates and radiates skin
- Works like a “real life” filter
- Evens out skin tones
- Diminishes fine lines
- Feels good on the skin
You have to try this game-changing product! We are happy to offer a 20% off opportunity so that you can start looking and feeling younger right now. Use WORTH20 at checkout for 20% off.
You’re Welcome!🧡